Jidnyasa (Curiosity) establishes a dialogue with adolescents on crucial issues relevant to their lives especially those which are frequently ignored in our present education system. The program started in 1996 by the conveners:
Late Hemant Karkare, IPS, Mumbai police
Dr. Anand Nadkarni, Institute for Psychological Health
Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar, Stree Mukti Sanghatana
The complete program runs of 18 hours and the 6 modules are:
- Adolescent Age – Changing Me
- Stress Management – Coping With Stress
- Value Education – Giving Meaning To Life
- Vocational Guidance – Choosing A Destiny
- Risk Of Addiction – How To Say No
- Sexuality Education – Anatomy, Physiology & Values In Sexual Behaviour
Objective of Jidnyasa
- Towards awareness through dialogue
- Towards knowledge through information
- Towards rationality through thinking
- Towards constructive behaviour
Trained communicators hold workshops with adolescents using songs, role plays and alternate learning methods to teach them the six predefined modules.
Stree Mukti Sanghatana, IPH & Mumbai Police believe that Jidnyasa has all the potentials to become a full-fledged ‘movement’ in life education of adolescents.
Salient features
- Jidnyasa is a unique and innovative program for adolescents and runs mostly for children from lower income groups.
- The modules are based on gender justice principles and so the syllabus is same for both girls and boys.
- 600 communicators have been trained to conduct sessions for school-goers.
- Jidnyasa is available in a book form.
- Braille edition of Jidnyasa has been prepared by National Association for the Blind, India. (NAB)